
Seller Portal – We offer listings of local area sellers to district level sellers in Pune.


sellers image new Seller Portal – We offer listings of local area sellers to district level sellers in Wakad Pune. | seller portal - we offer listings of local area sellers to district level sellers in wakad pune.

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Welcome to Smart Suburbs Seller Portal – We offer listings of local area sellers to district level sellers in Pune. You can list your Business / Products with us to get wider reach. Basically is the marketplace for providing business customers with the pricing, selection, and convenience of finding all at one place, which will benefit businesses of all sizes.


Popular Topics

Does listing at Local Directory cost effective versus listing at a national Directory?

National level Directory listing usually is quite costly for small to medium-sized businesses as the annual billing can start anywhere from Rs.10000 and above. The drawback of a national level directory is that the searcher many times cannot find very location specific search results as the results get influenced by businesses listed across multiple areas.

The Biggest Cost to Value benefit of listing your business on is that at just Rs.3000 for 1st year and subsequent renewals at Rs.1000 per year, you get the following 12 Rich Features:

  1. 4 web pages of your Business, Products & Services description. This means, you don’t even need a dedicated website where you will spend large money to make it, then to get it into a search engine, domain renewal annual fees, hosting fees. Instead just list on Local Directory engines like ours where you get the same value. We also provide online store capability or payment collection facility for just 5% deduction.
  2. Top Banner picture of your Business on your listing page
  3. Up to 20 pics of your products/services
  4. Direction Guidance Button for customers to reach you Biz location
  5. Contact Form for businesses to reach you via email
  6. URLs / Links of your Website, facebook and other social media channels.
  7. Up to 2 Discount Coupon per year (you share us and we load it)
  8. Up to 2 Events per year (you share us and we load it)
  9. Your Biz Listing will appear in Google search engine page searches.
  10. Your Premium Business Listing details will be posted on our Local facebook pages (eg;
  11. FREE Twitter integration. You keep your LISTING ACTIVE WITH YOUR LIVE TWEETS.
  12. Whatsapp share button (easy for you as a business to share your business offerings to prospects over WhatsApp)

Why is Insurance required?

Insurance in current times is your way to control risks. No Insurance means you take 100% risks. When insured, your risk is taken care by Insurance company.

Do I need to pay to post my listings on your site?

Yes, to get Professional Listing on Wakad Healthcare Guide, you will pay just Rs.1000/year for Professional Doctor Listing charges. For Hospitals, we charge just Rs.3000/year. The Paid Listing offers you a large brand / service visibility. Call our Representative at 8329693840 or simply email us.